Tuesday 16 August 2011

भारत सरकार, प्रधान मंत्री तथा सभी राजनीतिक पार्टियों सहित तमाम भ्रष्ट राजनीतिज्ञों, सांसदों को साग्रह अनुरोध के साथ चेतावनी

राष्ट्रीय नव निर्माण परिषद, कृष्णा फाउंडेशन, ह्यूमैन राइट्स प्रोटेक्शन कमिटी, डिग्निफाएड ब्राह्मण एसोसिएशन ऑफ इण्डिया तथा डिग्निफाएड लॉयर्स एसोसिएशन ऑफ इण्डिया की तरफ से मैं भारत सरकार, प्रधान मंत्री तथा सभी राजनीतिक पार्टियों सहित तमाम भ्रष्ट राजनीतिज्ञों और सांसदों को साग्रह अनुरोध के साथ चेतावनी  देता हूँ कि अन्ना हजारे के नेतृत्व में उठ रही भ्रष्टाचार के विरुद्ध संपूर्ण भारत की जनता की आवाज का सम्मान करें, अन्यथा तुम्हारी हस्ती मिट जाएगी | जब सम्पूर्ण भारत की समस्त जनता स्वयं घर से बाहर आकर भ्रष्टाचार, भ्रष्ट सरकार, भ्रष्ट मंत्रियों और भ्रष्ट व्यवस्था का व्यापक विरोध कर रही हो , तो वैसी स्थिति में भ्रष्टाचार में आकंठ लिप्त  तथाकथित जनप्रतिनिधि क्या कहते हैं - इसका कोई महत्व नहीं रह जाता | भ्रष्टाचार के विरुद्ध अन्ना हजारे के नेतृत्व में उठ रही समस्त भारत की जनता की आवाज को कुचलने की हर कोशिश नाकाम होगी | सरकार, पुलिस और प्रशासन का हर अत्याचार, जुल्म, सितम, लाठी, डंडा और जेल की धमकी का उल्टा असर सरकार के विरुद्ध ही काम करेगा |  

पुनः मैं भारत सरकार, प्रधान मंत्री तथा सभी राजनीतिक पार्टियों सहित तमाम भ्रष्ट राजनीतिज्ञों और सांसदों को साग्रह अनुरोध के साथ चेतावनी  देता हूँ कि अन्ना हजारे के नेतृत्व में उठ रही भ्रष्टाचार के विरुद्ध संपूर्ण भारत की जनता की आवाज का सम्मान करें, अन्यथा तुम्हारी हस्ती मिट जाएगी | 

Sunday 14 August 2011

Let us Celebrate this year's Independence Day in this Noble Way

Let us celebrate this year’s Independence Day in this Noble Way

Let us celebrate this year’s Independence Day on this auspicious day of 15th August, 2011, as the most important and auspicious day in the history of our great nation Bharat (India).

On the occasion of this auspicious day, let us take a vow to make united, sustained and continuous sincere efforts for promotion of “Dharma, Justice, Democracy, Peace and Social Harmony” in their true sense and spirit, for betterment of the lives of the people, for amicable and sustainable solution of public problems, for all round sustainable development and prosperity of individuals, society, state, nation and world community.

On the occasion of this auspicious day, let us take a vow to make our great nation Bharat (India) as a “Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic” in their true sense and spirit, as explained in the Preamble to the Constitution of India, and accordingly to secure to all citizens of India –
“JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
And to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation”.

On the occasion of this auspicious day, let us take a vow to bring into reality the noble concept laid down under Article 14 of the Constitution of India, as follows : “The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India”.

On the occasion of this auspicious day, let us take a vow to bring a permanent end to the “Dirty Politics of Caste and Religion” being played by the short sighted selfish people for fulfillment of their extremely selfish desires at the cost of the unity and integrity of the nation. Accordingly let us resolve to permanently remove and abolish the “Caste Based Reservation System” and “Application of Separate Laws for Different Religious Communities (Hindu Law and Mohammedan Law)”,which are the effects of  “Dirty Politics of Caste and Religion” being played by the short sighted selfish people for fulfillment of their extremely desires at the cost of the unity and integrity of the nation, which are in direct violation of the the concept of “Equality before the law and equal protection of the laws” (as laid down under Article 14 of the Constitution of India), which are in direct violation of the concept of “Secularism”, which provides that the State should not in any way be concerned with any religion and that the laws of the state should be equally applied to all citizens of the nation irrespective of their caste and religion

On the occasion of this auspicious day, let us take a vow to make a "Corruption Free India", by bringing permanent end to "All Kinds of Corrupt Practices".

In this connection let us always keep in our mind some of the most relevant universal truths and ground realities, as follows :
Our vision for all round sustainable development of individuals and society presupposes promotion of “Dharma, Justice, Democracy, Peace and Social Harmony” (in their true sense and spirit) in the entire world, as it is “sine qua non” (an indispensable condition) for amicable and sustainable solution of public problems, for all round sustainable development of individuals and society, and for “Social and National Reconstruction for a Better India and Better World”.
Our philosophy of “Dharma and Culture”, “Law and Justice”, and “Democracy” is as follows:
As explained in “Atharva Veda” and as interpreted by Lord Krishna in “Mahabharat”, it can be rightly said that –“Satya, Reet, Ugra, Diksha, Tapa, Brahma and Yagnya” – these are the “Seven Pillars of Dharma”, on the basis of which the civilized society of the entire world is maintained, upheld and sustained in order and all round sustainable development and prosperity of individuals, society, state, nation and world community is made possible on this Earth.
In Atharwaveda, the concept of Dharma has been defined as follows:
सत्यं बृहद ॠतं उग्रं दीक्षा तपो ब्रह्म यज्ञः पृथिविं धारयन्ति ।
                                                 -- अथर्ववेद, १२.१.१

“Satyam brihad ritam ugram diksha tapo brahma yagnyah prithivim dharayanti.”
                                        --Atharwaveda, 12.1.1
In Mahabharat, Lord Krishna has explained the concept of Dharma as follows:

धारणाद्धर्ममित्याहुर्धर्मो धारयते प्रजाः । 
यत्स्यादधारण संयुक्तं स धर्म इति निश्चयः ॥
                                   -- महाभारत, कर्णपर्व, ६९.५८

“Dharanad dharmamityahurdharmo dharayate prajah.
Yatsyad dharan samyuktam sa dharma iti nischayah."
                       --Mahabharat, Karnaparva, 69.58
Hence it can be rightly said that –“Satya, Reet, Ugra, Diksha, Tapa, Brahma and Yagnya” – these are the “Seven Pillars of Dharma”, on the basis of which the civilized society of the entire world is maintained, upheld and sustained in order and all round sustainable development and prosperity of individuals, society, state, nation and world community is made possible on this Earth.
In other words, “Dharma” is the name of the “Noble Path of Righteousness” and that kind of noble qualities, human virtues, human duties, ideal judicious conduct of human beings and right kind of human behavior, which are helpful in establishment and promotion of peace, prosperity, social harmony and rule of justice in society; which are helpful in prevention, suppression and control of all kinds of crime, extremism and terrorism; which are helpful in protection of life, property, dignity and honor of all individuals; which are helpful in finding out amicable and sustainable solution of all kinds of individual, social, national and international problems; which are helpful in full and free enjoyment of fundamental human rights as well as in full and free enjoyment of life by the people in a disciplined way without violating the rights of others.
The Concept of “Dharma” contemplates abandonment and relinquishment of the “Ten Kinds of Manava Durguna” (Human Vices), namely- 1. Irshya (Grudge), 2. Dwesha (Malice), 3. Krodha (Anger), 4. Lobha (Greed), 5. Moha (Delusion of Mind), 6. Purvagrah (Prejudice), 7. Pakshapat (Bias), 8. Bhaya (Fear), 9.Ghrina (Hatred) and 10. Ahankar (Empty Pride).
The Concept of “Dharma” further contemplates development and possession of at least “Twelve Kinds of Manava Sadguna” (Human Virtues), namely- 1. Dhairya (Patience), 2. Dhriti (Firmness of Body and Mind), 3. Dama (Self- Restraint and Self- Discipline), 4. Daya (Kindness), 5. Kshama (Forgiveness), 6.Prema (Love), 7. Paropkar (Benevolence), 8. Vinamrata (Courtesy), 9. Nirbhikata (Fearlessness), 10. Sahas (Boldness), 11. Adhyavasaya (Perseverance), and 12. Vishva Bandhutva (Friendly Treatment with People of the Entire World).
The Concept of “Dharma” provides “Foundation” for development of all “Cultures” and “Religions” of the entire world, providing different kinds of Places & Methods of God Worship, Rites & Rituals, Symbols, Festivals, Codes of Conduct, Dress Codes etc., which are adaptable and changeable by taking into account “Desha” (Locality), “Kaal” (Time) and “Paatra” (Person). But “Dharma” is always equally applicable to all persons, at all places and at all times.
The Concept of “Dharma” contains the “Sanction of Law” and its “Rules” are always equally applicable to all alike, whether he / she may be a King / Queen or an ordinary citizen. “Law” is an instrument for establishment, maintenance, enforcement and promotion of “Dharma” in society, for maintenance, upholding and sustenance of order in society, for enforcement of rights, upholding of justice and redressal of wrongs as well as for bringing about all round sustainable development and prosperity of individuals, society, state, nation and world community.
The Concept of “Nyaya” or “Justice” contemplates “Victory of Dharma in all its features”, by giving each and every person what is due to him or her in accordance with the “Rules of Dharma”, for forcible defense of rights and suppression of wrongs, that is called “Real Justice”, which further contemplates immediate suitable punishment to the guilty or offender, suitable compensation to the victim and suitable award or reward to the person working for the “Victory of Dharma in all its features”.
The “Rule of Justice” fixes and determines the exercise of personal rights of individual liberty in the pursuit of individual welfare, happiness, development and prosperity, so as to confine that individual liberty within the limits which are consistent with the general welfare of mankind for all round sustainable development and prosperity of the society, state, nation and world community.
The Concept of “Nyaya” or “Justice” contemplates that, for proper administration of “Justice”, at the time of hearing and at the time of delivery of “Judgment” in each and every case, a “Judge or Judicial Officer” sitting at the “Throne of Justice” must always keep himself / herself free from the “Ten Kinds of Manava Durguna” (Human Vices), namely- 1. Irshya (Grudge), 2. Dwesha (Malice), 3. Krodha (Anger), 4. Lobha (Greed), 5. Moha (Delusion of Mind), 6. Purvagrah (Prejudice), 7. Pakshapat (Bias), 8. Bhaya (Fear), 9.Ghrina (Hatred) and 10. Ahankar (Empty Pride).
“Democracy” is an English substitute word for its Sanskrit equivalent term “Janatantra”.
“Democracy” is a system of governance under which the greatest, noblest, finest, fittest and the most competent persons are elected or selected by the people to rule over the society (State), for proper administration, control and management of the entire affairs of the society (State), for finding out amicable and sustainable solution of public problems, for establishment, enforcement and promotion of Dharma (Righteousness), for suppression and prevention of Adharma (Unrighteousness), for development of infrastructure facilities for common use by the people of all communities, for all round sustainable development and prosperity of individuals, society and state and for attainment of its certain other objectives for which the society (State) is established and its government is formed.

The concept of Dharma contemplates appointment of the greatest, noblest, finest, fittest and the most competent persons against all kinds of Judicial, Legislative, Executive and Administrative Posts of Responsibility, who must have command over professional knowledge and skill and must keep themselves free from the “Ten Kinds of Manava Durguna” (Human Vices), namely- 1. Irshya (Grudge), 2. Dwesha (Malice), 3. Krodha (Anger), 4. Lobha (Greed), 5. Moha (Delusion of Mind), 6. Purvagrah (Prejudice), 7. Pakshapat (Bias), 8. Bhaya (Fear), 9.Ghrina (Hatred), and 10. Ahankar (Empty Pride), and who must possess in themselves “Twelve Kinds of Manava Sadguna” (Human Virtues), namely-1. Dhairya (Patience), 2. Dhriti (Firmness of body and mind, firm determination), 3. Dama (Self Discipline), 4. Daya (Kindness), 5. Kshama (Forgiveness), 6. Prema (Love for nature and all creatures), 7. Paropkar (Benevolence), 8. Vinamrata (Courtesy and decency in behavior), 9. Nirbhikata (Fearlessness), 10. Sahas (Boldness and courage), 11. Adhyawasaya (Perservance), and 12. Vishwa Bandhutwa (Universal Respect for the people of all communities, states and nations of the entire world by treating them as one’s own family members, relatives and friends).

-- Krishna Ballabha Sharma “Yogiraj”
(Quoted from the book entitled “Basic Principles of Dharma, Justice and Democracy”)


Nothing in this world is impossible,

For a man of firm determination.
Nothing in this world is beyond the reach,
            Of a man of firm conviction.
Even great mountains crumble away or give way,
To a man of iron will.
Bold initiator leads the world,
            While the procrastinators and dullards
            Remain indecisive standing still.
Come on my friends, gird up your loins and march ahead,
            The whole of the world is waiting for you.
You are bound to succeed in your chosen field of work
The blessings of Lord Almighty are always available to you.

              -- Krishna Ballabha Sharma “Yogiraj”
       (Quoted from the book entitled “History Maker”)


History maker is the man,
Who is criticized by others.
But who does those things,
Which are not done by others.

He takes bold initiatives,
And is criticized by others,
As he does those things,
Which are not done by others.

He works with his might,
While others are sleeping,
He dares at the time,
While others are fleeing.

He is never afraid of problems,
And smiles even while suffering.
He makes his way in difficult terrains,
And remains always bold and daring.

He is never afraid of difficulties,
And never waits for good opportunities.
He marches forward against the wind,
And creates good opportunities.

He never imitates others,
And he never repeats history.
He is called as history maker,
As he creates new history.

He works with firmness
Of is body and mind,
But within his heart,
He is very very kind.

History maker is the man,
Whose people become fan,
Who wins battles of his life,
As he knows that he can.

History maker is the man,
Who is praised by others,
As he does those things,
Which are not done by others.

      -- Krishna Ballabha Sharma “Yogiraj”
(Quoted from the book entitled “History Maker”)

By- Krishna Ballabha Sharma "Yogiraj" 
Advocate (Lawyer), Patna High Court, Patna (India) 

Author of the Books Entitled : 
Basic Principles of Dharma, Justice and Democracy
History Maker (Collection of Life Inspiring English Poems)
Neo- Socialism and Sustainable Development
Noble Qualities of Lawyers and Judges
Philosophy of Life and Love
इतिहास रचयिता (प्रेरणादायक हिन्दी काव्य संकलन)
धर्म, न्याय एवं जनतंत्र के मूल सिद्धांत
जीवन दर्शन और प्रेम दर्शन

Founder and Chairman: Krishna Foundation (Trust)
Founder and Chairman: Human Rights Protection Committee
Founder and President: Rashtriya Nava Nirman Parishad
Founder and President: Dignified Brahman Association of India
Founder and President: Dignified Lawyers Association of India

COURT ADDRESS: North Western Table, Main Hall, Advocates Association, Patna High Court, Patna-800001 (India).

OFFICE ADDRESS (1): Lawyers Chamber No.- 21, Ground Floor, Bihar State Bar Council Bhawan, Patna High Court, Patna - 800001 (India)

OFFICE ADDRESS (2): Flat No.- 1 / 1, Ground Floor, Rajdhani Apartments (Near A.N. College / Pataliputra Pani Tanki), Mahesh Nagar, Patna – 800024 (India).

RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: Cantt. Road, Mustafapur, Khagaul, Patna — 801105 (India).

MOBILE NO. (1): (+91) – 9470415140     
MOBILE NO. (2): (+91) – 9934771469 

MOBILE NO. (3): (+91) - 7808626739 

PHONE No. (1): (+91) - 06115- 692069 (Residence)

PHONE No. (2): (+91) - 0612- 2260307 (Professional Office)

E- MAIL ID (1): kbsharma.lawyer@gmail.com

E- MAIL ID (2): kbsharma.lawyer@hotmail.com

E- MAIL ID (3): krishnafoundationngo@gmail.com